When looking at this picture, it could mean so much to any individual who takes time to actually think about it. Life can be crazy at times, and there could be difficult paths one may face when living. That person is going to have to take a step back, gather all the surroundings around them in order to make the decision on whether or not to continue forward on or down another path completely.
The media, when it comes to the LGBT representation, has to go down these paths in order to figure out what is needed or what isn't needed in society today. Sometimes the paths that are taken are absolutely correct and it is a spectacular representation. Whereas, one the other side, a bad path chosen can lead to people being offended or even hurt. This could make or break the show, movie, or book. This is why deliberation on paths chosen for characters need to be sought and planned out no matter how great the idea may sound like at the time.
I think that it is really important when deciding any decision in life to deliberate, especially when it pertains to affecting others in such an important way. One wrong move, a lot of people’s feelings can be hurt. It could absolutely make or break something that has the makings of great success or a great failure.
Some may believe in something different, or even see something different when looking at this image. Let me know what you feel about the paths taken in life and media that can affect people in big and little ways.
Image credit: jesuscm
This is a really great point, there are a lot of deliberate choices that have to be made when creating any sort of story. However, at the same time there are times when a small decision can have more weight on a big situation. Which is why in my opinion you have to go about life in a safe and risky way. When it come to LGBT representation I think its important for any form of media to push the boundaries of what they'll put out as LGBT content, but they have to be safe and not betray the morals and values of the LGBT community at large. One wrong misconception could set them back years, but one greatly written character could be the key to a higher social standard.